Hosted at the Saskatchewan Hotel in Regina, April 24 to 27, 1957
First Annual Scientific Convention Program
Forward by Dr A. S. Sinclair, Chairman, Scientific Committee
First Annual Scientific Convention Program President’s Messages
Dr A. J. Wasylenki, President of the Saskatchewan Provincial Chapter, and Dr Jack McKenty, President of the College of General Practice of Canada
Second Annual Convention February 1958
Participating in a panel discussion on traffic accidents sponsored by the Saskatchewan Chapter at their second annual convention in Saskatoon were (left to right): Dr F. H. Wigmore of Moose Jaw, chairman; Alberta Minister of Highways, Hon. Gordon E. Taylor; Dr Campbell Gardner of Montreal; Dr C. H. Andrews of Prince Albert; and Police Chief James Kettles of Saskatoon
Research Committee Performs Double-Blind Study of Xylocaine Viscous
“The first project undertaken by the Research Committee of the Saskatchewan Chapter has been use of Xylocaine Viscous to relieve pain and facilitate swallowing after tonsillectomies.” Bulletin. College of General Practice of Canada 1960 Jul; 7(1):22
The Content of General Practice (Saskatchewan) by Dr I. W. Bean
Journal. College of General Practice of Canada 1966:30-33
Dr J. B. Corley speaks about the College of General Practice of Canada, 1967
“On the evening of October 25, 1967, an informal meeting was held in the auditorium of the Saskatchewan City Hospital. Dr. J. B. Corley, Director of the Family Practice Residency Program, Calgary General Hospital, was the guest speaker. The purpose of the gathering was to acquaint third and fourth year medical students with the College of General Practice of Canada, its primary objectives, and the post-graduate programs in Family Medicine which are springing up in various centers.” Can Fam Physician 1967 Dec:19
Saskatchewan Chapter meets in Regina April 1968
Nearly 50 members registered, and on Friday April 26th they were joined by about 20 supervisors and administrators of nursing homes and senior citizens' homes, as well as social workers, to hear Dr J. Merriman's provocative address on "The Abuse of Bed Rest in the Aged." Can Fam Physician 1968 Jun:36-37
The Prime Minister of Saskatchewan, W. Ross Thatcher, proclaimed the week of November 14 as Family Physician Week
He urged all people of Saskatchewan to recognize the role of the family physician in the individual's pursuit and maintenance of good health. Can Fam Physician 1970 Dec:25
Back row: Dr Gil White, Dr Dan Johnson, Dr Rizqi Ibrahim, Dr Luis Salgado, Dr Mike Krochak, Dr Rick Spooner Front row: Dr Jack Alexander, Dr Merv Johnson, Dr Betty Spooner (Absent: Dr Rob Webb)
Successful membership campaign, 1986
“What accounts for this substantial growth? According to Dr. Vivian Gooding, a member of the Chapter's Membership/Credential Committee, increasing the membership was a major priority of the Chapter in 1985 – 86.” Can Fam Physician 1986 Oct;32:2027
Saskatchewan Chapter reports on 1987
“The Saskatchewan Chapter has made membership recruitment one of their top priorities and the Membership/Credentials Committee has received a grant from the College’s Sustaining Fund to assist with a province-wide campaign.” CFPC-Update 1987 Nov/Dec;4(6)
Family Medicine Review Program, 1991
The 37th Annual Meeting and Scientific Assembly of the College of Family Physicians of Canada, Saskatchewan Chapter, was held September 18–21, 1991 at the Ramada Renaissance Convention Centre in Regina, Saskatchewan.
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